Idioms Translator
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Total idioms: 9849 - currently selected: 226 (50 per page)Away with the fairies
Someone who is away with the fairies is in such a dreamy state that they are not totally in touch with reality and give the impression of being slightly crazy.
It's no use trying to explain the problem to her - she's away with the fairies!
(A fi) Dus cu pluta / Plecat cu sorcova
Cineva care e dus cu pluta este intr-o stare de asa mare aiureala incat nu mai e in contact cu realitatea, dand impresia ca e usor nebun.
N-are rost sa incerci sa-i explici situatia - e dusa cu pluta!
All good things come to those who wait
Incetul cu incetul se fabrica otetul
As it (so) happens
Used for saying that something is true, although it is surprising or as a connector phrase to bridge parts of a conversation, usually things that are closely related or lead into each other.
1. I have my guitar with me in the car, as it happens. I'll go and get it. 2. My car just broke down. As it so happens, my husband is a mechanic, so I'm not worrying. 3. As it happens, I’ve got a bike I can lend you.
Din intamplare
Folosit ca un conector al frazei pentru a uni parti ale conversatiei, de obicei lucruri care sunt apropiate sau idei care conduc unele catre altele.
1. Am chitara in masina, din intamplare. Ma duc sa o iau.
2. Tocmai mi s-a stricat masina. Din intamplare, sotul meu e mecanic, deci nu-mi fac griji.
3. Din intamplare, am o bicicleta pe care pot sa ti-o imprumut.
A cold day in july
The time of occurrence of an event that will never happen.
It'll be a cold day in July when that happens.
Dixie Chicks - Cold Day In July
Cand va/o zbura porcul
Un eveniment care nu se va intampla niciodata.
Se va intampla aia cand o zbura porcul.
Much cry and little wool
"Cry" here has the sense "shouting"; mediaeval traders "cried their wares" in the streets. The expression means that a lot of noise and fanfare is being made about something that actually has little substance or importance.
Mult zgomot pentru nimic
Blot one's copy book
Someone who blots their copy-book does something to spoil their good record or reputation through bad behavior.
He blotted his copy-book when he was arrested for speeding.
A-si strica firma
Cineva care-si strica firma face ceva care ii diminueaza reputatia sau bunul nume printr-un comportament urat sau fapte rele.
Si-a stricat firma cand a fost amendat pentru viteza.
(As) Slippery as an eel
To say that someone is as slippery as an eel means that they are difficult to catch and they manage to avoid answering questions.
So crafty, or cunning that they cannot be caught by the police, although it is known that they are acting illegally.
The man was as slippery as an eel. He was arrested for theft several times but was never convicted.
Siret ca vulpea
A fi siret ca vulpea inseamna ca esti greu de prins si reusesti sa eviti diverse intrebari si situatii.
Omul era siret ca vulpea. A fost arestat pentru furt de cateva ori dar nu a fost niciodata condamnat.
Provided that
Cu conditia ca
He who wakes up early goes a long way
Cine se trezeste de dimineatza, ajunge departe
In the long run
in the long run
1. (idiomatic) After a very long time; eventually; over a long period of time; more generally.
Pe termen lung
All eyes
1. Watching alertly or attentively. Paying very close attention.
2. Gazing at someone devotedly.
2. He was all eyes for her
Numai ochi
1. A privi cu mare atentie, a fi foarte atent la ceva/cineva
2. A privi intens/cu devotamanet pe cineva.
2. Era numai ochi dupa ea
(to be) like two peas in a pod
Expression used to describe two people or things which are extremely similar or alike.
Betty and Jennifer are as alike as two peas in a pod, so it's no wonder people sometimes mistake them for sisters.
(A semana) ca doua picaturi de apa
Expresie folosita pentru a descrie doi oameni sau lucruri care sunt extrem de similare sau asemanatoare.
Betty si Jennifer seamana ca doua picaturi de apa, deci nu e de mirare ca oamenii spun cateodata ca sunt surori.
To stand up to
A înfrunta (cu curaj)
Frosty sun
Soare cu dinti
First impressions are most lasting
Prima impresie conteaza
Fair sex
Women collectively.
Sexul frumos
Femeile, la modul general
Never look a gift horse in the mouth
Calul de dar nu se cauta la dinti
Good riddance!
Drum bun, cale batuta!
Better late than never
When someone does something late, this remark means that it is better to do it late than not do it at all.
Mai bine mai târziu decât niciodata
Cand cineva face ceva cu intarziere, aceasta remarca inseamna ca este mai bine sa faci acel lucru chiar si mai tarziu decat sa nu il faci deloc.
(To be/get) (A)round the bend
1. Crazy, insane.
2. Sometimes it means intoxicated from alcohol or drugs.
1. I think this job is sending me around the bend.
Tell me frankly: do you think my father's round the bend?
I was sure I locked that door. I must be going round the bend.
2. One more of those, and you'll be around the bend.
From the glassy look in her eyes, I'd say she is completely round the bend now.
(A face/fi/dus) Cu capul
1. Nebun
2. Se foloseste si cu sensul de intoxicat cu alcool sau droguri
1. Cred ca serviciul asta ma face cu capul.
Spune-mi sincer: crezi ca taica-meu e dus cu capul?
Eram sigur ca am inchis usa. E clar ca sunt dus cu capul.
2. Inca una din astea si o iei cu capul.
Din expresia sticloasa din ochii ei, as putea spune ca e complet dusa cu capul.
All hell broke / breaks loose
If you say that all hell broke loose, you mean that there was a sudden angry or noisy reaction to something. A great disaster happened or chaos ensued.
All hell broke loose when it was announced that the plant was going to close down.
When the fire alarm went off, all hell broke loose as the crowd made for the exits.
A fost / Este iadul pe pamant
Daca spui ca e iadul pe pamant, inseamna ca e o reactie puternica de manie si galagie la ceva.
Un mare dezastru, haos sau o situatie greu de suportat.
A fost iadul pe pamant cand s-a anuntat ca fabrica se va incihde.
Cand a pornit alarma, a fost iadul pe pamant cand multimea se impingea spre iesire.
Avoid like the plague
To shun, or evade if at all possible.
Cliché should be avoided like the plague.
I'm one of those people who avoids confrontations like the plague.
A te feri ca de ciuma
A evita cu tot posibilul acel lucru.
De cliseuri trebuie sa te feresti ca de ciuma.
Sunt unul dintre acei oameni care se fereste de certuri ca de ciuma.
As thin as a rake
To be incredibly thin, at an unhealthy-looking level of thinness.
He eats like a horse and yet he's as thin as a rake.
Earliest recorded in late Middle English in Chaucer. Is usually assumed to show a metaphorical application of the tool name "rake".
Slab ca un tar
A fi incredibil de slab, la un nivel nesanatos de slabiciune.
Baga in el ca lupul si e tot slab ca un tar.
Win by a nose
When there is a very slight difference between the winner and the other competitors, victory is won by a nose.
To win narrowly; to have a narrow victory.
One second ahead of the others, he won by a nose.
A castiga la mustata
Cand este o diferenta foarte mica intre invingator si alti competitori, victoria este castigata la mustata.
A invinge apropiat, a avea a victorie stransa.
A castigat la mustata, cu o secunda inaintea celorlalti.
Can't get enough (of)
To greatly enjoy; to like a lot
We'll need to bake more of those new chicken and mushroom pies. The customers can't get enough of them.
Nu ma mai satur (de)
A-ti placea ceva foarte mult
Va trebui sa facem mai multe placinte din alea cu pui si ciuperci. Clientii nu se mai satura de ele.
Black market
The black market refers to the illegal buying and selling of goods or currencies.
Be careful of what you buy on the black market - it's not always good quality.
Piata neagra
Piata neagra se refera la cumpararea si vanzarea ilegala a bunurilor sau valutei.
Fii atent la ce cumperi de pe piata neagra - nu e totdeauna de buna calitate.
As the wind blows
According to circumstance
Dupa cum bate vantul
In functie de circumstante
Make hay while the sun shines
If you make hay while the sun shines, it means that you take advantage of the chance to do something while conditions are good. In other words, you make good use of your time or make the most of an opportunity while you have the chance. The saying has been around for hundreds of years. It first appeared in 1546 in John Heywood’s A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tongue. Experts believe the phrase came from medieval English farmers.
1. We've got a few days off work so lets make hay while the sun shines and do some landscaping around the back of the house. 2. Jim works too much, but he reckons he's just making hay while the sun shines. He says he'll slow down once he's made his fortune. 3. Successful athletes are advised to make hay while the sun shines.
Fa-ti iarna car si vara sanie
Esenta acestui proverb se bazeaza pe experienta populara acumulta în timp si ar spune ca este mai bine sa fii prevazator si sa anticipezi nevoile pentru a le putea gasi solutii optime din timp, cand conditiile sunt propice.
De multe ori ni s-a întâmplat sa spunem „Daca eram mai atent, nu mi se întâmpla!”, „Daca as fi stiut, m-as fi pregatit!”.
George munceste prea mult, dar crede ca-si face iarna car si vara sanie. Spune ca va incetini odata ce si-a facut avere.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Ce tie nu-ti place, altuia nu-i face
Birds of a feather flock together
If two people are birds of a feather, they are very similar in many ways, so they naturally spend time together.
No wonder they get on well. They're birds of a feather!
Cine se aseamana se aduna
Daca doi oameni se aseamana in mai multe privinte, ei se aduna in mod firesc si de obicei petrec mai mult timp impreuna.
Nu e de mirare ca se inteleg bine. Cine se aseamana se aduna!
A man's praise in his own mouth stinks
Lauda de sine nu miroase a bine
Fall on deaf ears
If something such as a suggestion or a request falls on deaf ears, it is ignored. Of a request, complaint, etc, to be ignored.
1. I told him not to take any risks, but my advice fell on deaf ears. 2. Every time I ask him to do something for me, it falls on deaf ears.
Intra pe-o ureche si iese pe alta/cealalta
Daca ceva ca o sugestie sau o cerere intra pe o ureche si iese pe alta, inseamna ca este ignorata.
1. I-am spus sa nu riste, dar sfatul meu i-a intrat pe-o ureche si i-a iesit pe alta.
2. De fiecare data cand l-am rugat sa face ceva, i-a intrat pe-o ureche si i-a iesit pe cealalta.
At the end of your tether
La limita rabdarii
Like father, like son
Asa tata, asa fiu
The devil makes work for idle hands
It means people who have nothing to do are more likely to get into trouble or commit a crime.
Protestants believe children should be busy because the devil makes work for idle hands.
Lenea este mama tuturor viciilor
Inseamna ca oamenii care nu au nimic de facut au mai mari sanse sa intre in bucluc.
Protestantii cred ca copiii trebuie sa fie mereu ocupati pentru ca lenea e mama tuturor viciilor.
Make a mountain out of a molehill
To make a slight difficulty seem like a serious problem.
Referring to over-reactive, histrionic behaviour where a person makes too much of a minor issue.
You're making a mountain out of a molehill. You wrote one bad essay - it doesn't mean you're going to fail.
It seems to have come into existence in the 16th century. The earliest recorded use of the alliterative phrase making a mountain out of a molehill dates from 1548. The word mole was less than two hundred years old by then. Previous to that it had been known by its Old English name wand, which had slowly changed to want. A molehill was known as a wantitump, a word that continued in dialect use for centuries more. The idiom is found in Nicholas Udall's translation of The first tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the newe testamente (1548) in the statement that "The Sophistes of Grece coulde through their copiousness make an Elephant of a flye, and a mountaine of a mollehill."
Faci din tantar armasar
A face ca o dificultate minora sa para o problema serioasa.
Faci din tantar armasar. Ai scris un eseu slab - asta nu-nseamna ca o sa pici.
Any port in a storm
When you have no choice, any port in a storm refers to a solution you accept, which in normal circumstances you would find unacceptable.
An unfavourable option which might well be avoided in good times but which nevertheless looks better than the alternatives at the current time.
The hotel was substandard, but it was a case of any port in a storm; all the others were full.
Daca n-ai papuci, sunt bune si opincile
Cand n-ai de ales, accepti si o solutie care in mod normal ai considera-o inacceptabila.
Hotelul era sub standard, dar daca n-ai papuci, sunt bune si opincile. Toate celelalte erau pline.
All his geese are swans
This expression refers to someone who constantly exaggerates the importance or the qualities of somebody or something.
Don't let him impress you. He always exaggerates. All his geese are swans.
Gaina vecinului e mai grasa
To make headway/progress/strides in...
make headway1. (idiomatic) To progress; to move forward.
I worked on them all day, but barely made headway at all.
A avea spor (la...)
Sa progresezi in ceva, sa mergi inainte cu o activitate sau personal.
Am lucrat la ele toata ziua, dar abia n-am avut deloc spor.
Don't play the giddy goat
The idiom "Don't play the giddy goat" is an expression used to advise someone against behaving foolishly, acting in a silly or immature manner, or engaging in frivolous behavior.
It implies a need for seriousness, maturity, and responsible conduct in a given situation.
You can use "act" instead of "play" with the same meaning.
1. Imagine a group of friends preparing for an important presentation at work. One of the friends starts making silly jokes and distracting others. Another friend might say, "Come on, don't play the giddy goat. We need to focus and be professional for this presentation."
2. In a classroom, a teacher notices a student making funny faces and disrupting the class. The teacher might say, "Stop playing the giddy goat, and pay attention. This is a learning environment, and we should all be respectful."
3. During a serious discussion about finances, someone starts making light-hearted and inappropriate remarks. Another person might say, "This is not the time to play the giddy goat. Let's stick to the topic and address the matter seriously."
The origin of this idiom is unclear, but it is believed to have originated in the early 20th century, primarily in British English. The phrase "giddy goat" is an alliterative phrase used to describe someone who acts foolishly, similar to the behavior of a playful or frolicking goat. The idiom gained popularity and has since been used to caution individuals against engaging in immature or foolish behavior.
Nu te mai prosti
Este o expresie folosita pentru a atentiona pe cineva sa nu se mai poarte intr-un mod nepotrivit sau imatur. Sugereaza o nevoie de seriozitate, maturitate si responsabilitate intr-o anumita situatie.
1. Imagineaza-ti un grup de prieteni ce se pregateste pentru o prezentare importanta la serviciu. Unul dintre ei incepe sa faca glume proaste si sa-i distraga pe ceilalti. Un alt prieten poate zice "Hai, nu te mai prosti. Trebuie sa ne concentram la prezentarea asta."
2. Intr-o ora de curs, un profesor observa ca un student face moci si deranjeaza clasa. Profesorul poate spune "Nu te mai prosti si fii atent. Acesta este un mediu de studiu si ar trebui sa fim toti respectuosi."
3. In timpul unei discutii serioase pe teme financiare, cineva incepe sa faca remarci amuzante si nepotrivite. Altcienva ar putea spune "Acum nu e momentul sa ne prostim. Va rog sa ne axam pe subiectul despre care discutam la modul serios."
Originea este necunoscuta.
In full detail
De-a fir a par
(to lay) lying down on the job
To do one's job poorly or not at all.
The new manager fired two people he accused of lying down on the job too much.
A se lasa (S-a lasat) pe tanjala
A lucra incet, cu lene. A neglija sau a amâna lucrul.
Directorul a dat afara doi oameni pe care ii acuza ca s-au lasat pe tanjala prea mult.
TANJALA: Un fel de protap care se foloseste pentru a prinde a doua pereche de vite în jug, pentru a lega de jug uneltele agricole cu tractiune animala sau pentru a transporta greutati mari.
Acest atelaj este de obicei condus de un om care in timpul transportului mai face pauze pentru ca animalele sa se odihneasca sprijinindu-se pe TANJALA. De multe ori, ramane pe TANJALA mai mult decat este necesar.
De aici expresia "S-a lasat pe tanjeala".
Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey
When it is cold enough to Freeze The Balls Off A Brass Monkey, we really had better wrap up warm. But who ever heard of such a thing? Old nautical records provide the answer. The guns on 18th-century men-of-war ships needed gunpowder to fire them, and this was stored in a different part of the ship for safety reasons. Young boys, usually orphans, who were small enough to slip through tight spaces, carried this powder along tiny passages and galleys. Because of their agility the lads became known as ‘powder monkeys’ and by association the brass trays used to hold the cannonballs became known as the brass monkeys. These trays had 16 cannonball-sized indentations that would form the base of a cannonball pyramid. Brass was used because the balls would not stick to or rust on brass as they did with iron, but the drawback was that brass contracts much faster in cold weather than iron. This meant that on severely cold days the indentations holding the lower level of cannonballs would contract, spilling the pyramid over the deck, hence ‘cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey’.
(from "Red herrings and white elephants" by Albert Jack)
Frig de crapa pietrele
Back to square one
To say that someone is back to square one means that they have not succeeded in what they were trying to do, so it was all in vain and they have to start again.
When they refused the terms of the contract, it was back to square one for the negotiators.
We discovered that our first idea would never work, so we were back to square one.
After spending six hours on the intake we realized that there was nothing wrong with it, so we went back to square one.
A te intoarce de unde ai plecat
Cand spui ca cineva s-a intors de unde a plecat inseamna ca n-a reusit in ceea ce incerca sa faca, asa ca trebuie sa inceapa din nou, de la zero.
Cand au refuzat termenii contractului, ne-am intors de unde am plecat cu negocierile.
Am descoperit ca ideea noastra initiala nu ar fi mers niciodata, asa ca ne-am intors de unde am plecat.
Dupa ce am pierdut sase ore cu eroarea aia, am realizat ca nu era nimic gresit in blocul ala de cod, asa ca m-am intors de unde am plecat.
Chuffed (to bits) / well chuffed / dead chuffed
To be really pleased about something, to be thrilled by something.
1. "I'm chuffed to bits by your ba donka donk" - Hugh Laurie (n. Dr. House movie series). 2. I'm well chuffed about this Idioms Translator project. :)
Incantat / Superincantat / Incantat la maxim
A fi foarte multumit de ceva
1. Sunt superincantat de posteriorul tau - Hugh Laurie (Dr. House din faimosul serial).
2. Sunt incantat la maxim de proiectul acesta Translator de Idioame.
No good deed goes unpunished
Beneficial actions often go unappreciated or are met with outright hostility. If they are appreciated, they often lead to additional requests.
I helped him in his hardest life situations and now he gossips about me with his friends behind my back .
It was Clare Boothe Luce, american author and later US ambassador to Italy, who coined the phrase that "No good deed goes unpunished".
Pe cine nu lasi sa moara nu te lasa sa traiesti
Actiunile benefice deseori nu sunt apreciate sau sunt rasplatite cu ostilitate. Daca sunt cumva apreciate, adesea duc la cereri suplimentare.
L-am ajutat in cele mai grele situatii din viata lui si acuma ma barfeste pe la spate cu toti prietenii.
Bad egg
Someone who is a bad egg is an untrustworthy person often involved in trouble whose company should be avoided. Someone whose behaviour is reprehensible or irresponsible; a rogue.
I don't want my son to be friends with Bobby Smith. Bobby's a bad egg.
Soi rau
Cineva care este soi rau este o persoana nedemna de incredere, care intra mereu in bucluc, a carei companie trebuie evitata. Cineva al carui comportament este iresponsabil sau condamnabil; un derbedeu.
Nu vreau ca fiul meu sa fie prieten cu Bobby Smith. E soi rau.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks
Calul batran cu greu se învata la ham
Collect one's thoughts
If you collect your thoughts, you try to think calmly and clearly in order to prepare yourself mentally for something.
\r\nTo become mentally composed, especially after being distressed, surprised, or disoriented; to become calm or organized in one\'s emotional state or thinking, as in preparation for a conversation, speech, decision, etc.
Anne stopped to collect her thoughts before calling back the customer.
A-ti aduna gandurile
Daca iti aduni gandurile, incerci sa gandesti calm si clar pentru a te pregati mental pentru ceva.
A deveni linistit mental, mai ales dupa ce ai fost stresat, agitat sau dezorientat; a deveni calm sau organizat in starea emtionala sau de gandire, in pregatire pentru o conversatie, discurs sau decizie.
Ana s-a oprit sa-si adune gandurile inainte de a suna inapoi clientul.
Happy as a clam at high tide
Fericit ca pestele in apa
I'm sick and tired of...
M-am saturat/Mi s-a luat de...
Make sense
(third-person singular simple present `makes sense`, present participle `making sense`, simple past and past participle `made sense`)
(intransitive, idiomatic) To be coherent or reasonable.
1. The thing doesn’t make sense to me.
2. Somehow the combination didn’t make sense, but Cranston took it at face value, whatever that was worth.
A avea sens/noima
A fi corent sau rezonabil.
1. Chestia asta mi se pare ca n-are noima.
2. Cumva combinatia nu avea sens, dar Cranston a luat-o la prima strigare, la valoarea pe care a avut-o.
As if
Refers to something that the speaker deems highly unlikely.
Vezi sa nu
Se refera la un fapt pe care vorbitorul il crede foarte putin probabil.
Wrap one's head around
Wrap (one's) head around
1. (figuratively) To come to a good understanding of.
2. (more literally uncommon) To crash into (something, especially a pole) messily and fatally while travelling in a
"I can't wrap my head around this new law."
A te prinde de / A intelege
A iti da seama de ceva, a intelege, a pricepe un fapt, un lucru, principiu sau idee
"Nu inteleg legea asta noua."
To kill two birds with one stone
kill two birds with one stone (third-person singular simple present kills two birds with one stone, present participle killing two birds with one stone, simple past and past participle killed two birds with one stone)
1. (idiomatic) To solve two problems with one single action.
? Biking to work kills two birds with one stone. It saves money travelling and will help to
A prinde doi iepuri de-odata
Change of heart
If someone has a change of heart, they change their attitude or feelings, especially towards greater friendliness or coperation.
A change of one's opinion, belief or decision.
1. He was against charity, but he had a change of heart when he saw the plight of the homeless.
2. He quit Friday, but on Monday he had a change of heart and decided to come back, anyway.
A se razgandi
Daca cineva se razgandeste, isi schimba atitudinea sau sentimentele, in special referitor la prieteni sau cooperari. O schimbare de opinie, credinta sau decizie.
1. A fost impotriva ajutorului, dar s-a razgandit cand a vazut cat de multi oameni erau fara case.
2. A demisionat vineri, dar luni s-a razgandit si s-a hotarat totusi sa se intoarca.
What are you driving at?
What are you implying?; What do you mean?
1. What are you driving at? What are you trying to say?
2. Why are you asking me all these questions? What are you driving at?
Unde bati?
Ce vrei sa spui?
1. Unde bati? Ce vrei sa spui?
2. Ce-mi pui atatea intrebari? Unde bati?
Up a tree
This expression alludes to an animal that climbs a tree for refuge from attackers, which then surround the tree so it cannot come down.
This whole business has me up a tree. I'm up a tree, and I need some help.
In bucluc
Bush telegraph
1. A system used by undeveloped societies in remote regions for communication over long distances, such as drum sounds, word-of-mouth relay, or smoke signals.
2. A gossip network.
Telefonul fara fir
Strike while the iron is hot
Seize the opportunity! When one has the chance to do something, one should do it immediately, otherwise it can be too late.
To act on an opportunity promptly while favorable conditions exist; to avoid waiting.
1. This is the best time in the last ten years to buy a house. Strike while the iron is hot.
2. Ask Mary for a favor now, while she's in a good mood. Strike while the iron is hot.
3. We should strike while the iron is hot and order some immediately, before they change the offer.
This saying refers to the blacksmith who works with iron. First, he heats the iron until it is red hot and soft. Then he immediately hits the iron with his hammer to change its shape. If he waits, the iron becomes cold and hard again, and he cannot shape it.
Bate fierul cat e cald
Foloseste ocazia cat e valabila. Cand poti sa faci ceva, fa-o cat mai repede, altfel poate fi prea tarziu.
1. Asta e cel mai bun moment sa cumperi casa din ultimii zece ani. Bate fierul cat e cald.
2. Iti sugerez sa-i ceri Mariei o favoare acum, cat e in toane bune. Bate fierul cat e cald.
3. Ar trebui sa batem fierul cat e cald si sa comandam cateva imediat, pana nu schimba oferta.
Aceasta zicala se refera la fierar care lucreaza cu fierul pe care mai intai il incalzeste pana cand acesta devine, rosu, incins si moale. Apoi imediat incepe sa il bata cu barosul pentru a-i schimba forma. Daca asteapta, fierul se raceste si se intareste din nou si nu mai poate fi modelat.
The heart don't listen to the laws
Inima nu stie carte
Health is better than wealth
It is more beneficial to be healthy than to be rich.
Money has never been that important to me. I know that health is better than wealth.
Sanatatea e mai scumpa/buna decât toate
Este mai important sa fii sanatos decat sa fii bogat.
Banii n-au fost niciodata atat de importanti pentru mine. Stiu ca sanatatea e mai scumpa decât toate.
All told
All told means the final number, when everything has been included, counted, or summed.
The number of visitors to the exhibition, all told, was 2543.
I think they had over 300 people there, all told.
Cu totul / In total
Cu totul inseamna numarul final, cand totul a fost inclus, numarat sau sumarizat.
Numarul vizitatorilor expozitiei a fost, cu totul, 2543.
Cred ca au avut 300 de oameni in total.
(A) cut above
Something which is a cut above everything else is better or of higher quality. Superior to the norm.
1. The articles in this magazine are a cut above the others.
2. He is a cut above the rest in his public speaking.
Mai presus decat/Deasupra Ceva ce este mai presus decat orice altceva este mai bine sau de o calitate superioara. Deasupra normei. 1. Articolele din revista asta sunt mai presus decat altele.
2. Este deasupra tuturor in discursul sau public.
It's the last straw (that broke the camel's back)
E ultima picatura
Save for a rainy day
To keep something, especially money, for a time in the future when times are tough and it might be needed.
He has a few thousand pounds kept aside which he's saving for a rainy day.
There's no clear when this expression originated (some have traced it back to the 16th century), but it's obvious that a “rainy day” is the symbol of gloom. The wise course, therefore, is to sock away funds for when times are tough.
Pastreaza pentru zile negre
A pastra ceva, in special bani, pentru un timp in viitor cand vremurile vor fi mai aspre si va fi nevoie de ei.
Are cateva mii de lire puse deoparte pe care le pastraeza pentru zile negre.
Pipe down
Lasa gura / Taca-ti gura
Away game
An athletic contest played in the opposing team's geographic area.
In deplasare
O competitie atletica jucata in aria geografica a echipei adverse.
(To) Bury the hatchet
When people who have had a disagreement decide to forget their quarrel and become friends again, they bury the hatchet.
To stop fighting or arguing; to reach an agreement, or at least a truce.
1. I didn't agree with my colleague's decision, but for the sake of peace I decided to bury the hatchet.
2. They need to calm down and bury the hatchet before someone gets hurt.
A ingropa securea razboiului
Cand oamenii care nu se inteleg decid sa uite de certuri si devin prieteni din nou, acestia ingroapa securea razboiului.
1. Nu am fost de acord cu decizia colegului, darca sa fie liniste, am decis sa ingrop securea razboiului.
2. Trebuie sa se calmeze si sa ingroape securea razboiului inainte ca cineva sa fie ranit.
To tar with the same brush/stick
A baga în aceeasi oala
(to catch someone) red-handed
(A prinde pe cineva) cu mata in sac
All thumbs
Clumsy; awkward; not dextrous.
I am all thumbs when it comes to shuffling cards.
Sunt stangaci cand trebuie sa amestec cartile.
The trick doesn't work (anymore)
When an action that worked very well in the past, doesn't function or has the same ideal results when it's tried this time.
1. That old trick doesn't work so well anymore, does it?
2. The trick did not work a second time on 25 January, and Wyndham's landing party in Fife encountered an ambush of 600 men.
Nu prea (mai) ține smecheria
O actiune care in trecut a mers foarte bine, dar nu mai functioneaza sau nu mai are aceleasi rezultate ideale cand este incercata de data asta.
1. Nu prea mai tine smecheria aia veche, nu?
2. Smecheria nu a mai mers a doua oara pe 25 ianuarie si armata ce ataca Fife a intrat intr-o ambuscada cu 600 de inamici.
Many words will not fill a bushel
Vorba multa, saracia omului
(to shout/proclaim) from the housetops
(A tipa/anunta) in gura mare
At the end of the day
You say this before you say what you believe to be the most important fact of a situation, when everything else has been taken into consideration.
In summary; ultimately.
At the end of the day you will have to decide where you want to live.
La urma urmei
Spui asta inainte sa spui ce crezi ca este cel mai important aspect intr-o situatie, dupa ce totul a fost luat in consideratie.
La urma urmei, tu trebuie sa decizi unde doresti sa locuiesti.
No man is born wise
Nimeni nu s-a nascut intelept / invatat
To strike a deal
(A) bate palma
Best-laid plans of mice and men oft(en) go astray
Best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft a-gley (in scotish dialect) Things often go wrong even though you have carefully planned what you are going to do. (The gang aft a-gley version is Scots dialect, and comes from Robert Burns' poem "To a Mouse.")
Jill: I reserved a hotel room for us three weeks ago, but now the clerk says he has no record of our reservation. So much for our fun weekend in the city. Jane: Well, these things happen. The best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray. I had all the arrangements made for my party, and then the guest of honor got sick and I had to call the whole thing off. The best-laid schemes of mice and men gang aft a-gley. If a little rain can ruin the best-laid plans of mice and men, think what an earthqu
Socoteala de acas? nu se potrive?te cu cea din targ
On my back foot
If you are on your back foot, you are at a disadvantage and forced to be defensive of your position.
Activist investors generally prefer to be on the attack. So it’s odd to see them on the back foot, fighting to preserve an important arrow in their quiver.
Pe picior gresit
(la unele jocuri sportive) nepregatit pentru a para actiunea adversarului sau, in general, pentru a raspunde unei provocari.
Profesoara l-a prins pe Alex pe picior gresit. L-a ascultat tocmai cand nu-si invatase lectia.
A fool's tongue is long enough to cut his own throat
Fiecare pasare pe limba ei piere
Much ado about nothing
If people make much ado about nothing, they make a lot of fuss about something which is not important.
A discussion took place about the colour of the receptionist's shoes - much ado about nothing!
"Much Ado About Nothing" is a comedic play by William Shakespeare thought to have been written in 1598 and 1599, as Shakespeare was approaching the middle of his career.
Mult zgomot pentru nimic
Daca oamenii fac mult zgomot pentru nimic, creaza multa agitatie pentru ceva care nu e important.
A avut loc o discutie aprinsa despre culoarea pantofilor receptionistei - mult zgomot pentru nimic!
All eyes and ears
To be very attentive. Giving one's full attention to something.
The journalists were all eyes and ears at the press conference.
Numai ochi si urechi
A fi foarte atent/a. A acorda cuiva intraga ta atentie.
Jurnalistii au fost numai ochi si urechi la conferinta de presa.
Blow hot and cold
If you blow hot and cold about something, you constantly change your opinion about it. To behave inconsistently; to vacillate or to waver, as between extremes of opinion or emotion.
The boss keeps blowing hot and cold about the marketing campaign - one day he finds it excellent, the next day he wants to make changes.
A umbla in doua luntri
A iti schimba mereu parerea despre ceva, a oscila intre extreme ale opiniilor sau emotiilor.
Seful umbla in doula luntri cu campania de marketing - o data zice ca e excelenta, dupa aia vrea sa faca schimbari.
A must / it's a must
Expresses an essential or absolutely necessary thing.
I'm thinking about visiting Scotland. What do you think? O, it's a must! You'll love it.
Musai / E musai
Exprima un lucru esential sau absolut necesar.
Ma gandesc sa vizitez Scotia. Ce crezi? O, e musai! O sa-ti placa foarte mult.
That’s the way the cookie crumbles
Asa este viata
To take the bull by the horns
take the bull by the horns
1. (idiomatic) To deal with a matter in a direct manner, especially to confront a difficulty rather than avoid it.
A lua taurul de coarne
To run its course
The idiom "To run its course" means to allow something to progress naturally until it reaches its conclusion. This can refer to a process, situation, or condition that is expected to unfold over time without intervention. It often implies patience and acceptance of the outcome, whether it is positive or negative.
1. The project took longer than expected, but we decided to let it run its course.
2. The doctor advised me to let the cold run its course instead of taking antibiotics.
3. Sometimes, it's best to let emotions run their course rather than trying to suppress them.
4. The economic recession had to run its course before the market could recover.
5. They decided to let the legal process run its course without interference.
The origin of the idiom "To run its course" dates back to the use of the term "course" referring to the path or direction taken by something, especially water or a disease. In the context of diseases, it originally meant allowing the illness to progress until it ends naturally. Over time, it broadened to include various processes and situations.
A-și urma cursul
Idiomul „A-și urma cursul” înseamnă a permite unui proces, unei situații sau unei condiții să se desfășoare în mod natural până la finalizarea sa. Acest lucru poate însemna să aștepți și să accepți rezultatul, indiferent dacă este pozitiv sau negativ.
1. Proiectul a durat mai mult decât ne-am așteptat, dar am decis să-i lăsăm să-și urmeze cursul.
2. Doctorul mi-a recomandat să las răceala să-și urmeze cursul în loc să iau antibiotice.
3. Uneori, este mai bine să lăsăm emoțiile să-și urmeze cursul decât să încercăm să le suprimăm.
4. Recesiunea economică a trebuit să-și urmeze cursul înainte ca piața să-și poată reveni.
5. Au decis să lase procesul juridic să-și urmeze cursul fâră intervenție.
Against the clock
If you do something against the clock, you are rushed and have very little time to do it.
They are working against the clock to have the presentation ready for Monday.
Contra cronometru
Daca faci ceva contra cronometru, esti grabit si ai foarte putin timp sa faci acel lucru.
Au lucrat contra cronometru ca sa aiba gata prezentarea pentru luni.
Hand in hand
If two or more things go hand in hand, they are associated or often happen at the same time.
In big cities, poverty and violence often go hand in hand.
Mana in mana
Daca doua sau mai multe lucruri merg mana in mana, ele sunt asociale sau deseori se intampla in acelasi timp.
In marile orase, saracia si violenta merg deseori mana in mana.
As luck would have it
As it happened; how it turned out; by good fortune; fortunately or luckily.
As luck would have it, it rained the very day of the picnic.
We ran out of petrol on the way home, but as luck would have it, we were very near a gas station.
I didn't plan to stop there, but as luck would have it, they were open when I went by.
Ca un facut
Cum s-a intamplat, cum s-a desfasurat, din intamplare.
Ca un facut, a plouat exact in ziua picnicului.
Am ramas fara benzina in drum spre casa, dar ca un facut, eram foarte aproape de o benzinarie.
Piece of cake
Floare la ureche
Close shave
This term describes a situation where an accident or a disaster nearly happened.
A near accident or mishap; a dangerous or risky encounter or incident.
1. I almost hit the child who ran out in front of my car. It was a close shave.
2. I had a close shave with somebody who pulled out in front of me on the road, but I swerved and managed not to hit him.
(A fi) Cat pe aici / pe-aci
Acest termen descrie o situatie in care un accident sau dezastru aproape s-a intamplat.
Un accident sau o problema, ceva riscant sau periculos.
1. Aproape am lovit copilul care a sarit in fata masinii. A fost cat pe-aci.
2. A fost cat pe aici sa lovesc o masina care a intrat brusc in fata mea pe sosea, dar am virat la timp si am reusit s-o evit.
Far from it!
De unde!
Ignorance is bliss
It normally means that a person who does not know about a problem (or chooses not to care) does not worry about it.
He never follows the news or cares about the chaos in the world because he believes that ignorance is bliss.
Prost sa fii noroc sa ai
Inseamna ca o persoana care nu stie despre o problem (sau alege sa nu-i pese) nici nu este ingrijorata de aceasta.
Nu urmareste niciodata stirile si nici nu-i pasa de haosul din lume deoarece crede ca “prost sa fii, noroc sa ai”.
(Don't) carry coal(s) to Newcastle
It's an idiom of British origin describing a pointless or superfluous action.
To do something that is unneeded or redundant.
1. Mr. Smith is so rich he doesn't need any more money. To give him a gift certificate is like carrying coals to Newcastle.
2. I thought a bottle of wine would be a nice gift, but when I saw their liquor cabinet I could tell that I had carried coals to Newcastle.
It refers to the fact that historically, the economy of Newcastle upon Tyne in north-eastern England was heavily dependent on the distribution and sale of coal and therefore any attempt to sell coal to Newcastle would be foolhardy as supply would be greater there than anywhere else in Britain. Historically, the phrase "To carry Coals to Newcastle" is first documented in North America in 1679 in William Fitzhugh's letters ("But relating farther to you would be carrying Coals to Newcastle") and first appears in a printed title in Labour in vain: or Coals to Newcastle: A sermon to the people of Queen-Hith, 1709. Timothy Dexter, an American entrepreneur, succeeded in defying the idiom in the eighteenth century by actually shipping coal to Newcastle.
Renowned for his eccentricity and widely regarded as a buffoon, he was persuaded to sail a shipment of coal to Newcastle by rival merchants plotting to ruin him. However, he instead got a large profit after his cargo arrived during a miners' strike which had crippled local production.
(Nu) vinde castraveti gradinarului
Este un idiom de origine britanica, ce descrie o actiune inutila.
Sa faci ceva care nu are sens sau este foarte ineficient.
1. Dl. Sandu e asa de bogat ca nu mai are nevoie de bani. Sa-i faci cadou un card de economii ar fi ca si cand ai vinde castraveti gradinarului.
2. M-am gandit ca ar merge sa-i fac cadou o sticla de vin, dar cand am vazut cabinetul lor de lichioruri, mi-am dat seama ca as vinde castraveti gradinarului.
Have it made
To have accomplished all there is to do; to have no further work or difficulty; to have achieved a lifestyle characterized by good fortune and comfort.
1. It's a great idea, and if it catches on and sells well, we'll have it made.
2. As the CEO's daughter, you have it made - they'll give you any job you want in the company!
3. He's really got it made since he won the lottery.
M-am/Te-ai/S-a/Ne-am/S-au scos
A realiza tot ceea ce este de facut, a nu mai avea nimic de munca sau vreo dificultate. A atinge un mod de viata caracterizat de bunastare si confort.
1. E o ideea super si daca prince si vinde bine, ne-am scos.
2. Fiind fata directorului, te-ai scos - o sa poti avea ce slujba vrei in companie!
3. Chiar s-a scos de cand a castigat la loterie.
Too many cooks spoil the broth
Copilul cu multe moase ramane nemosit
East or west, home is best
Fie painea cat de rea, tot mai buna-n tara ta
Bless you
Said to someone who has just sneezed, as a polite remark.
Short for (may) God bless you: said as a short prayer for the recipient to get better.
A fault confessed is half redressed
Pacatul marturisit este pe jumatate iertat
A good bestill is worth a groat
Vorba multa, saracia omului
One swallow does not make spring
Cu o floare nu se face primavara
To be all ears
A fi numai ochi si urechi
Serve someone right
An unpleasant event that happens to someone who is thought to deserve it.
1. Serves you right, you shouldn't waste your money.
2. It serves you right for nearly running me over.
3. Video example:
Asa-mi (ti/i/ne/le) trebuie
Un eveniment neplacut care i se intampla cuiva care este considerat ca il merita.
1. Asa-ti trebuie, daca ti-ai cheltuit toti banii
2. Asa-ti trebuie, ca aproape m-ai calcat cu masina.
Can't make an omelette without breaking eggs
This expression means that it is impossible to make important changes without causing some unpleasant effects.
Some people will lose their jobs after the merger, but you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
Nu poti sa faci omleta fara sa spargi oua
Aceasta expresie inseamna ca este imposibil sa faci schimbari importante fara a cauza unele efecte neplacute.
Cativa oameni isi vor pierde serviciul dupa jonctiunea firmelor, dar nu poti face omleta fara sa spargi oua.
??? to put one's foot in one's mouth
put one’s foot in one’s mouth
1. (idiomatic) To misspeak; to say something embarrassing or wrong.
? I really put my foot in my mouth during the interview.
??? A da cu bata in balta
Red herring
The idiom "red herring" is used to refer to something that misleads or distracts from the relevant or important issue. It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or characters towards a false conclusion. A red herring might be intentionally used, such as in mystery fiction or as part of a rhetorical strategy (e.g. in politics), or it could be inadvertently used during argumentation.
A red herring is a fact or argument introduced into a discussion which draws attention away from the main point.
Look, bureaucracy is a red herring. How to deal with the crisis is the important issue today.
In the 18th and 19th centuries herring was one of the most widely caught fish in the seas around Britain. In those pre-refrigerated days it would be preserved by salting and smoking. This smoking process would turn the herring a deep brownish red colour. Heavily smoked herring would also have a particularly strong and pungent smell.
For the origins of the phrase we turn to hunting in the early 1800s and hunt saboteurs. It’s true: there must have been an early version of the modern fox lover as on hunt days the strong-smelling fish would be dragged along the hunt route and away from the foxes. This confused the hounds, which followed the scent of the ‘red herring’ rather than that of the fox. So effective was this tactic that the phrase passed into common English usage.
Pista falsa / Falsa problema / Diversiune
Expresia se refera la ceva care distrage atentia sau discutia de la aspectele cu adevarat relevante sau importante. Poate sa fie o eroare logica sau literara ce conduce catre o falsa concluzie.
Un "hering rosu" poate fi folosit intentionat, ca in cazul fictiunii sau strategiilor retorice (ex. politica), sau poate aparea intamplator in timpul unei discutii.
Birocratia e o falsa problema. Ceea ce conteaza acum e cum rezolvam criza.
In secolul 18-19, heringul era unul dintre cele mai pescuite tipuri de peste din Anglia. In acele timpuri era pastrat prin sarare si afumare. Prin acest proces, heringul se colora in rosu-maroniu, capatand in acelasi timp un puternic miros intepator.
Idiomul a intrat in limba engleza de la obiceiul din jocurile de vanatoare din anii 1800, in care sabotorii tarau heringi rosii pe urmele vulpilor, pentru a confuza ogarii care le urmareau. Aceasta tactica a fost asa de eficienta, incat a devenit expresie curenta.
Practice makes perfect
Repetitia e mama invataturii
All’s well that ends well
Totul e bine când se termina cu bine
Stretch your legs according to your coverlet
Intinde-te cat ti-e plapuma
Don't count your chickens until they're hatched
It's a cautionary expression that advises against making assumptions or being overly optimistic about the outcome of something before it has actually occurred or materialized.
The idiom advises individuals to refrain from relying too heavily on future expectations or potential outcomes. It suggests that one should not celebrate or make plans based on an event that has not yet happened, as there is always a chance that things may not go as expected. It encourages patience, realism, and a cautious approach to avoid disappointment or miscalculations.
In a broader sense, the idiom is applicable to various situations, such as business ventures, personal goals, or even relationships. It serves as a reminder to stay grounded and wait for concrete results before making assumptions or decisions based on uncertain circumstances.
1. Don't count your chickens until they're hatched. You should wait until you receive a job offer before making any financial commitments.
2. Let's wait and see how the company performs in the market before celebrating. Remember, don't count your chickens until they're hatched.
3. Don't count your chickens until they're hatched. The final exam covers challenging topics, so keep studying and stay focused until you've completed it.
This idiom can be traced back to Aesop's fable called "The Milkmaid and Her Pail." The fable tells the story of a milkmaid who daydreams about all the things she will do with the money she will earn from selling the milk she is carrying in a pail on her head. As she imagines her future riches, she tosses her head, causing the pail to tip over, and all the milk spills out. The moral of the story is not to count on things that have not happened yet.
Over time, the expression "Don't count your chickens until they're hatched" emerged as a way to caution against premature assumptions or expectations. It serves as a reminder that unforeseen circumstances can arise, leading to a different outcome than initially anticipated.
Nu zi hop pana n-ai sarit groapa (parleazul)
Nu te bucura inainte de a vedea rezultatul, sfarsitul.
Proverbul te sfatuieste sa nu faci presupuneri sau sa fii foarte optimist despre rezultatul unui eveniment inainte ca acesta sa se fi intamplat sau materializat.
Expresia il sfatuieste pe om sa nu se bazeze prea mult pe asteptari viitoare sau rezultate potentiale, Sugereaza sa nu ne bucuram sau sa ne facem planuri bazate pe un eveniment care nu s-a intamplat inca, intrucat exista oricand sansa ca lucrurile sa nu mearga cum ne aspteptam. Incurajeaza rabdarea, realismul si o atitudine prevazatoare pentru a evita dezamagirile.
1. Nu zi hop pana n-ai sarit parleazul. Ar trebui sa astepti pana primesti oferta de serviciu pana sa faci orice intelegere financiara.
2. Hai sa vedem mai intai cum se comporta compania in piata inainte sa sarbatorim. Aminteste-ti, nu zice hop pana n-ai sarit parleazul.
3. Nu zi hop pana n-ai sarit groapa. Examenul final are subiecte dificile, asa ca tine-te de studiu si concentreaza-te pana il iei.
Proverbul este in mod evident din popor, dar aparitia lui este pierduta in negura timpului.
The scalded cat / dog fears even cold water
Cine s-a fript cu ciorba sufla si-n iaurt
Can't make head or tail of
If you can't make head or tail of something, you can't understand it at all.
Amy's message was so confusing. I couldn't make head or tail of it!
Nu pricep o boaba/iota.
Daca nu pricepi o boaba/iota din ceva, inseamna ca nu intelegi acel lucru absolut deloc.
Mesajul de la Ana a fost asa de confuz... N-am priceput o iota din el.
Este posibil sa vina de la litera Iota din alfabetul grecesc.
In epoca fanariota multe dintre documentele oficiale erau redactate in limba greaca si evident ca romanii, mai ales cei nestiutori de carte, nu aveau nicio idee despre ce scria acolo, de unde probabil s-a nascut si expresia.
Man/woman of his/her word
Om/Barbat/Femeie de cuvant
Take/taken aback
take aback (third-person singular simple present takes aback, present participle taking aback, simple past took aback, past participle taken aback)
1. (idiomatic, transitive) To surprise or shock; to discomfit.
To be Taken Aback suggests someone has been taken truly by surprise and stopped in their tracks.
1. I was rather taken aback by his angry reply.
2. The bad news took us aback.
‘Aback’ is the nautical term for sudden wind change, in which the sails flatten against the mast. In some cases, out on the high seas, tall square-rigged ships may not only be slowed down by a sudden wind change, but also driven backwards by strong gusts. The phrase used in such circumstances is ‘taken aback’.
(from Red herrings and white elephants by Albert Jack)
A lua prin surprindere A fi socat de ceva pana in punctul de a iti bloca orice actiune. 1. Am fost luat prin surprindere de replica lui rastita.
2. Vestile proaste ne-au luat prin suprindere.
Bored out of one's mind/brains
Extremely bored.
Plictisit de moarte
Extrem de plictisit
To keep pace
A tine pasul
Make your skin crawl
Te ia cu fiori/friguri
Adhering strictly to rules, legal requirements, or official procedures.
Ca la carte
A urma strict regulile, cerintele legale sau procedurile oficiale.
Cause a stir
If something causes a stir, it creates an atmosphere of excitement or great interest. To cause controversy, or raise a disturbance
1. The arrival of the actress caused quite a stir in the village.
2. The news story caused a stir
3. A few years ago, that would've caused a stir
A face valuri
Daca ceva face valuri, inseamna ca genereaza o atmosfera de mare interes sau agitatie. A cauza controverse, a crea tulburare.
1. Sosirea actritei a facut valuri in sat.
2. Ultimele stiri au facut valuri
3. Acu cativa ani asta ar fi facut valuri.
That will do
E de ajuns
(Hit) Below the belt
An action or remark described as "below the belt" is considered to be unfair or cruel.
If you do something like that, you "hit below the belt".
Politicians sometimes use personal information to hit their rivals below the belt.
Commenting on his bachelorhood in a debate on marital ethics was a bit below the belt, don't you think?
(A lovi) Sub centura
O actiune sau remarca descrisa ca "sub centura" este considerata a fi cruda sau incorecta.
Daca faci ceva de genul asta, atunci inseamna ca "lovesti sub centura".
Politicienii cateodata folosesc informatii personale ca sa isi loveasca rivalii sub centura.
Sa comentezi despre faptul ca e celibatar in cadrul unei discurii depre etica maritala a fost un pic sub centura, nu crezi?
(up) to the hilt
If you do something up to the hilt, you do it completely and the best way you can.
Mike's colleagues were prepared to defend him to the hilt. They took the new aircraft and tested it to the hilt. We can't raise any more money - we're mortgaged up to the hilt as it is.
Cap-coada / Pana la capat / La maxim
Sa faci ceva foarte bine, pana la capat.
Colegii lui Mihai erau gata sa il apere pana la capat.
Au luat noul avion si l-au testat cap-coada.
Nu mai putem strange niciun ban - suntem deja datori la maxim.
At all costs
If you are determined to obtain or achieve something at all costs, you want it regardless of the expense, effort or sacrifice involved.
The journalist was determined at all costs to get a report from the war zone.
Cu orice pret
Daca esti hotarat sa obtii ceva cu orice pret, iti doresti acel lucru indiferent de costuri, efort sau sacrificiul ce trebuie depuse.
Ziaristul era hotarat sa transmita cu orice pret stiri din zona razboiului.
As dumb as a stump
Prost ca noaptea
Woe to the mule that sees not her master
Unde nu e cap, vai de picioare
Betwixt and between
(Adjective) Neither one thing nor the other.
(Adverb) Neither here nor there.
Nici una nici alta
Nici ceva, nici altceva.
Down and outs
Oamenii strazii
You can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear
Nu poti sa faci din rahat bici
To be spaced out
Someone who is spaced out is not completely conscious of what is happening, often because of taking drugs or needing to sleep:
A fi aerian
A bad workman blames his tools
A te supara ca magarul pe sac
(a day) after the fair
Too late
But no matter what he undertakes he is always a day after the fair.
La spartul targului
Prea tarziu
Dar orice ar intreprinde, o face totdeauna la spartul targului.
An arrow shot upright falls on the shooter's head
Cine sapa groapa altuia, cade singur in ea
As you make your bed, so you must lie upon it
Cum iti asterni, asa dormi
Above the law
Exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else.
The emperor is above the law.
You may think you're above the law, but you're not.
Deasupra legii
Scutit de legile care se aplica tuturor celorlalti.
Imparatul e deasupra legii.
Poti sa crezi ca esti deasupra legii, dar nu esti.
Beat around the bush
This expression is used to tell someone to say what they have to say, clearly and directly, even if it is unpleasant. To treat a topic, but omit its main points, often intentionally.
Stop beating around the bush. Just tell me what has been decided!
A se invarti in jurul cozii
Aceasta expresie este folosita pentru a indemna pe cineva sa spuna ceea ce are de spus, clar si direct, chiar daca este neplacut.
Inseamna a trata un subiect, dar a omite partile esentiale, de mult eori intentionat.
Nu te mai invarti in jurul cozii. Spune-mi ce s-a decis!
The pitcher goes often to the well but is broken at last
Ulciorul nu merge de multe ori la apa
By rights
Properly, in justice.
The post of vice-president should, by rights, have been given to John.
De drept
In mod corect, cu dreptate
Postul de vice-presedinte ar ti trebuit, de drept, sa-i fi fost dat lui Ion.
To wear one's heart upon one's sleeve
Ce-are-n gusa si-n capusa
He laughs best who laughs last
Cine râde la urma râde mai bine
Come upon
To find something by accident
- You should not have bothered to search for that book. - O, don't worry, I just came upon it and brought it with me.
A da de
A gasi ceva din intamplare
- Nu trebuia sa te deranjezi sa cauti cartea aceea.
- A, nu-ti face probleme, am dat de ea prin casa si am luat-o cu mine.
All that glitters is not gold
Means that not everything that looks precious or true turns out to be so. This can apply to people, places, or things that promise to be more than they really are.
The popular form of the expression is a derivative of a line in William Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice, which employs the word "glisters," a 17th-century synonym for "glitters." The line comes from a secondary plot of the play, the puzzle of Portia's boxes (Act II - Scene VII - Prince of Morocco):
All that glisters is not gold;
Often have you heard that told:
Many a man his life hath sold
But my outside to behold:
Gilded tombs do worms enfold.
Had you been as wise as bold,
Young in limbs, in judgement old
Your answer had not been inscroll'd
Fare you well, your suit is cold.
The expression, in various forms, originated in or before the 12th century and may date back to Aesop, the famous ancient greek fabulist and story teller.
Nu tot ce zboara se mananca
Inseamna ca nu tot ce pare adevarat sau arata pretios, extravagant se si adevereste a fi asa. Se poate referi la oameni, locuri sau lucruri care promit a fi mai mult decat sunt de fapt.
Citam dintr-o poezie populara:
Nu tot ce zboara se manânca.
Nu poti trai chiar fara munca.
Mai omule, tu ia aminte!
Gândeste-te la cele sfinte!
Si de vrei sa traiesti curat,
Nu iti da sufletu-n pacat!
A done deal
This expression is used to refer to an agreement or decision which has been reached on a certain matter
We're still considering several proposals, so it's not a done deal yet.
Batut(a) in cuie
Se refera la o decizie sau intelegere care a fost deja stabilita/incheiata.
Inca mai asteptam cateva propuneri, deci nu e batut in cuie inca.
Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
Having a choice between two alternatives, both undesirable.
Prins intre ciocan si nicovala
A avea de ales dintre doua alternative, amandoua proaste
Black sheep
The black sheep is one who behaves very differently or badly, and is considered disreputable by the other members of the family or group of people. A disliked person; one who is disfavored.
A nonconformist; an unusual or unconventional person.
Joe was the black sheep of the family, always getting into trouble.
He always was the black sheep in the family, as an artist among doctors and lawyers.
Oaia neagra
Oaia neagra este cineva care se comporta diferit sau rau, si este considerat dezonorant de catre ceilalti membri ai familiei. O personala neplacuta, defavorizata.
Un nonconformist; o persoana neobisnuita sau neconventionala.
George a fost oaia neagra a familiei, mereu intra in bucluc.
Mereu a fost oaia neagra in familie, ca artist intre atatia doctori si avocati.
At home
To feel at ease, comfortable.
I feel at home when I'm round my girlfriend's house.
Ca acasa
A te simti lejer, confortabil.
Ma simt ca acasa cand sunt la prietena mea.
Call a spade a spade
A person who calls a spade a spade speaks openly and truthfully about something, especially difficult matters.
To speak the truth; to say things as they really are.
1. What I like about the new manager is that he calls a spade a spade - it makes things so much easier for everyone.
2. Maybe God just calls a spade a spade, when the president talks to God. - Bright Eyes, When the President Talks to God - 2005
Spune lucrurilor pe nume
O persoana care spune lucurilor pe nume vorbeste deschis si sincer despre ceva, mai ales despre chestiuni mai dificile.
A spune adevarul; a spune lucrurile cum sunt in realitate.
1. Ce-mi place la noul director e ca spune lucrurilor pe nume - e mult mai usor pentru toata lumea.
2. Poate Dumnezeu spune lucrurilor pe nume cand presedintele vorbeste cu Dumnezeu. - Bright Eyes, When the President Talks to God - 2005
(As) blind as a bat
Someone whose vision is very poor, or who is unable to see anything, is (as) blind as a bat. Nearly totally blind, having a very poor sense of vision.
Without his glasses, the old man is as blind as a bat.
Orb ca noaptea
Cineva a carui vedere este foarte slaba sau aproape lipseste cu desavarsire.
Fara ochelari, batranul era orb ca noaptea.
Give someone a big head
To flatter someone excessively; to overpraise someone, usually resulting in them becoming proud, arrogant or conceited.
Please stop telling him how smart he is - you'll give him a big head.
A (mi/ti/i) se urca la cap
A flata pe cineva excesiv, de obicei rezultand in faptul ca acea persoana va deveni ingamfata, aroganta, increzuta.
Te rog sa nu-i mai tot spui cat de destept e - o sa i se urce la cap.
Fools have fortune / fortune favors fools
Prost sa fii, noroc sa ai
Get a grip/hold of yourself!
Carry the can
If you carry the can for another person, you accept blame or take responsibility for something that goes wrong, even if it is not your fault or only partly, especially in a challenging situation.
The author didn't turn up for the interview and his agent had to carry the can.
A fi tap ispasitor
Daca esti tap ispasitor pentru altcineva, accepti vina sau preiei responsabilitatea pentru ceva care a iesit prost, chiar daca nu e vina ta, mai ales in situatii dificile.
Autorul nu a venit la interviu si agentul a trebuit sa fie tap ispasitor pentru el.
Aceasta expresie este, surprinzator sau nu, inspirata din Sfanta Scriptura: tap pe care marele preot il incsrca, la ssrbstorirea ispasirii, cu toate pacatele neamului lui Israel si care era apoi alungat in desert.
Tapul ispasitor este mentionat in Biblie doar cu o singura ocazie (Levitic 16), ca parte a ritualului de Ziua anuala a Ispasirii. Ritualul din Ziua Ispasirii implica doi tapi, pentru care arhiereul arunca sorti. Unul dintre ei era sacrificat, ca jertfa pentru pacat, iar celalalt, ales prin tragere la sorti, ca tap ispasitor, era scos din tabara în viata, dupa ce arhiereul îsi punea mâinile peste el si marturisea asupra acestuia pacatele israelitilor (Levitic 16,7-10, 20-22, 26). Asadar, este vorba despre un animal nevinovat, care primeste asupra lui pacatele oamenilor.
Scald not your lips in another man’s pottage
Nu-ti baga nasul unde nu-ti fierbe oala
To rain cats and dogs
A ploua cu galeata
All along
If something has existed or been somewhere all along, it has been there all the time, from the beginning.
I had been looking for my keys for some time before I realized they had been in my pocket all along.
He thought he had me fooled, but I knew the truth all along.
Tot timpul
Daca ceva a existat sau a fost undeva tot timpul, era acolo in tot acel timp, de la inceput.
Mi-am cautat cheile ceva timp pana sa realizezca au fost in buzunar tot timpul.
A crezut ca m-a pacalit, dar eu am stiut tot timpul.
The first blow/stroke is half the battle
Ziua buna de dimineata se cunoaste
Extremely ugly.
Urat ca curul
Extrem de urat
In utter disorder or confusion.
The books were stacked in higgledy-piggledy piles on the floor.
Probably formed from pig and the animal's suggestions of mess and disorder.
Intr-o dezordine sau confuzie totala.
Cartile erau aruncate pe podea in gramezi talmes-balmes.
Varianta Ro e posibil sa vina din ebraica veche, ca numele pe care il dau cartile ebraice haosului primordial de la crearea lumii: tohu-bohu.
Better bend than break
Scottish proverb. At times, we need to take a stand. But there will be more times when we’ll need to bend. Bending means listening to other opinions.
Often, we just react instead of listening. Bending means remembering what’s really important. Often, we get stubborn just to prove a point. Bending means knowing that, most often, the relationship is more important than the point we want to prove.
I don't understand why you want to end your relationship over this - it's really not that big a deal. Better bend than break, you know?
Capul plecat, sabia nu-l taie
Este un proverb scotian inseamnand ca de multe ori dorim sa ne aparam punctul de vedere atat de tare incat putem intra in tot felul de probleme sau inchide niste relatii bune.
Suntem atat de incapatanati sa pornim o lupta poate bazata pe ceva neimportant, incat putem distruge o relatie care e mult mai importanta decat o neintelegere temporara.
Nu inteleg de ce vrei sa termini cu relatia pentru chestia asta - nu e mare lucru. Adu-ti aminte, capul plecat sabia nu-l taie.
Be that as it may
This expression means that what the speaker says may be true but it will not change the situation.
Even if that is the case; whether that is true or not; nevertheless.
OK. Fewer people may come because of the bad weather, but be that as it may, it's too late to cancel the show.
Be that as it may, the implications remain the same as three years ago.
Be that as it may, you can all be certain that our country is not bankrupt, we are not collapsing.
Be that as it may, it has been great to work with you.
Oricum ar fi / In orice caz
Chiar daca este cazul ala, chiar daca aceea e adevarat sau nu. In orice fel.
OK, e posibil sa vina mai putini oameni din cauza vremii, dar oricum ar fi, e prea tarziu sa anulam spectacolul.
Oricum ar fi, implicatiile ramân aceleasi ca si cele de acum trei ani.
Oricum ar fi, puteti fi cu totii convinsi ca tara noastra nu este falimentara, ca nu suntem în colaps.
În orice caz, a fost minunat sa lucrez cu dvs.
Come in handy
To say that something may come in handy means that it may be useful some time or other.
To be useful or helpful, especially at some time in the future.
1. Don't throw away those old shelves; they may come in handy one day.
2. Even though he doesn't really know how to use them, he keeps the tools around, figuring they might come in handy someday.
A fi de folos
Cand spui ca ceva e de folos inseamna ca ar putea fi util la un moment dat, mai ales referitor la ceva in viitor.
1. Nu arunca rafturile alea; ar putea fi de folos intr-o zi.
2. Desi nu stie sa foloseasca sculele, totusi le tine acolo gandindu-se ca ii vor fi de folos candva.
Great haste makes great waste
Greaba strica treaba
Dog eat dog
This expression refers to intense competition and rivalry in pursuit of one's own interests, with no concern for morality.
Ruthlessly acquisitive or competitive. Describes a business or other set of circumstances where people try to succeed at the expense of other people.
The business world is tough today. There's a general dog-eat-dog attitude.
In this company it's dog eat dog. If you don't do better than the rest, you're on the street in next to no time.
Care pe care
Aceasta expresie se refera la competitie si rivalitate intensa in urmarirea numai a propriului interes, fara niciun scrupul si fara a tine seama de nimeni altcienva.
In ziua de azi lumea afacerilor e dura. In general e o atitudine de "care pe care".
In compania asta este "care pe care". Daca nu esti mai bun ca restul, esti in strada cat ai zice peste.
Fiddling while rome burns
To say that someone is fiddling while Rome burns means that they are doing unimportant things while there are serious problems to be dealt with.
His visit to the trade fair was 'fiddling while Rome burns' according to the strikers.
The lobbyists are spending their time in vacations rather than doing anything to stop this tax bill. They're fiddling while Rome burns.
Roman legend has it that in AD 64 Emperor Nero wanted to see what Troy had looked like as it burned to the ground, so he set light to Rome. It was said that he watched the blaze for six days and seven nights while he played his fiddle and enjoyed himself. Nero strongly denied the claims and blamed the disaster on the Christians, who were then ruthlessly persecuted. Historians have confirmed Nero was nowhere near Rome when the fire started, supporting his defence.
Tara arde si baba se piaptana
Can spui ca "tara arde si baba se piaptana" inseamna ca cineva face lucruri neimportante in timp ce sunt probleme serioase care trebuie rezolvate.
Tara arde si baba se piaptana. Politicienii nostri isi petrec timpul in vacante in loc sa faca ceva sa opreasca noua crestere a taxelor.
The best thing since sliced bread
Bun(a) ca painea calda
Cleanliness is next to godliness
Curatenia e mama sanatatii
By oneself
1. Alone; without assistance or help from others.
2. Alone, without another's company.
1. I have always wondered why shoe salesmen think can't I tie my shoes by myself.
You ate the whole thing by yourself?
2. He sat by himself in the corner, waiting quietly.
De unul singur
1. Singur, fara asistenta sau ajutor de la altii.
2. Singur, fara compania altcuiva.
1. M-am intrebat totdeauna de ce pantofarii cred ca nu ma pot incheia la sireturi de unul singur.
Ai mancat totul de unul singur.
2. Statea de unul singur in colt, asteptand in tacere.
??? a curve ball (to pitch a curve ball)
??? Prins la cotitura (A prinde la cotitura)
How are you getting on?
Cum te descurci?
Out of sight, out of mind
Ochii care nu se vad, se uita
Close, but no cigar
Fall just short of a successful outcome and get nothing for your efforts.
"Close, Colonel, but no cigar!"
The phrase, and its variant 'nice try, but no cigar', are of US origin and date from the mid-20th century. Fairground stalls gave out cigars as prizes, and this is the most likely source, although there's no definitive evidence to prove that.
It is first recorded in print in Sayre and Twist's publishing of the script of the 1935 film version of Annie Oakley: "Close, Colonel, but no cigar!"
It appears in U.
Te ineci ca tiganul la mal
A esua chiar înainte de a sfârsi ceva.
(By a) Hair's breadth
If you avoid or miss something by a hair's breadth, you only just manage to escape from a danger.
A very small distance or amount.
1. A slate fell off the roof and missed the child by a hair's breadth.
2. He missed me by a hair's breadth when he ran past me yesterday.
3. They came within a hair's breadth of contacting electrified water.
La mustata
Daca eviti sau ratezi ceva la mustata, atunci abia reusesti sa scapi dintr-un pericol.
O distanta sau cantitate mica.
1. O tigla a cazut de pe acoperis si a ratat copilul la mustata.
2. A alergat He missed me by a hair's breadth when he ran past me yesterday.
3. They came within a hair's breadth of contacting electrified water.
Don't cry over spilled milk
Ce-a fost a fost
All mouth and (no) trousers
This is said of someone who talks a lot about doing something but never actually does it.
Someone superficial, engaging in empty, boastful talk, but not of real substance.
He keeps saying he's going to resign and travel around the world, but he's all mouth and no trousers.
Numai gura e de tine (mine, el, ea, noi, voi) / E numai gura de el (ea, noi, voi, mine, tine)
Se spune despre cineva care vorbeste si promite multe, dar nu face de fapt nimic.
Cineva superficial, care se angajeaza in discutii laudaroase si goale, dar fara substanta reala.
Spune ca va demisiona ca sa poata calatori in jurul lumii, dar e numai gura de el.
Neat as a new pin
To be tidy and clean, very prim (can be used for a room or other setting, for a person etc.)
The bike I bought from him is as neat as a new pin.
E. Cobham Brewer 1810–1897. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 1898.
Ca scos din cutie
A fi curat si ingrijit, foarte aranjat (poate fi folosit pentru o camera sau alta incinta, pentru persoane, obiecte etc.)
Bicicleta pe care am cumparat-o de la el e ca scoasa din cutie.
Carved in stone
Unchangeable, definitive
Until you sign it, the terms of the contract aren't yet carved in stone.
Batut in cuie
Definitiv, de neschimbat
Pana semnezi, termenii contractului nu sunt inca batuti in cuie.
Boiling mad
Extremely angry
Fierband de furie
Eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Compensation for injury caused by a person, in the form of inflicting of an identical injury on that person.
Ochi pentru ochi si dinte pentru dinte
Compensatie pentru un injuriu sau ranire cauzata de o persoana, in forma unui conflict sau injuriu identic asupra altei persoane.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other
The two alternatives are equivalent or indifferent; it doesn't matter which one we choose.
Equally involved; equally responsible.
I didn't know who to vote for. It was six of one and half a dozen of the other!
Ce mi-e una, ce mi-e alta
Cele doua alternative are echivalente sau indiferente, nu conteaza care din ele o alegem.
La fel de implicat; responsabil in mod egal.
Let bygones be bygones
let bygones be bygones
1. (idiomatic) To ignore or disregard a past offense (when dealing with another individual).
Ce-a fost a fost
To spin out the time
A trage de timp
To hit the nail on the head
A pune punctul pe i
(As) Clean as a whistle
Something as clean as a whistle is extremely clean. This can also mean that a person's criminal record is clean.
Completely innocent; beyond moral reproach.
1. Bob spent the afternoon washing and shining his car until it was as clean as a whistle.
2. The only suspect I got has the file as clean as a whistle.
Curat ca lacrima
Ceva curat ca lacrima este extrem de curat. Poate sa mai insemne ca acea persoana are un cazier curat.
Absolut inocent, de o moralitate ireprosabila.
1. Radu si-a petrecut dupa-amiaza spaland si lustruind masina pana a facut-o curata ca lacrima.
2. Am un singur suspect si asta are cazierul curant ca lacrima.
A cold day in hell
The time of occurrence of an event that will never happen.
It'll be a cold day in hell when that happens.
Cand o zbura porcul
Se va intampla aia cand o zbura porcul.
To kick the bucket
Informal, or slang term meaning "to die".
1. The old horse finally kicked the bucket.
2. I think my sewing machine has kicked the bucket.
A common theory is that the idiom refers to hanging, either as a method of execution or suicide. However, there is no evidence to support this. Its earliest appearance is in the Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1785), where it is defined as "to die". In John Badcock's slang dictionary of 1823, the explanation is given that "One Bolsover having hung himself from a beam while standing on a pail, or bucket, kicked this vessel away in order to pry into futurity and it was all UP with him from that moment: Finis".The theory favoured by the OED relates to the alternative definition of a bucket as a beam or yoke that can be used to hang or carry things on. The "bucket" may refer to the beam on which slaughtered pigs are suspended. The animals may struggle on the bucket, hence the expression. The word "bucket" still can be used today to refer to such a beam in the Norfolk dialect. It is thought that this definition came from the French word trébuchet or buque, meaning "balance". William Shakespeare used the word in this sense in his play Henry IV Part II where Falstaff says: Swifter than he that gibbets on the Brewers Bucket.
- William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part II
A o mierli
Termen din argou insemnand "a muri".
1. Batranul cal a mierlit-o in sfarsit.
2. Cred ca masina mea de spalat a mierlit-o.
Bored to death
Very bored
I have nothing to do. I'm bored to death.
Plictisit de moarte
Foarte plictisit
N-am nimic de facut. Sunt plictisit de moarte.
Agony aunt
Mama ranitilor
(As) ugly as sin
This expression is used to refer to people or things that are considered to be very unattractive.
Have you seen the new neighbour's dog? It's as ugly as sin!
Urat ca moartea
Expresia se foloseste pentru a descrie oameni sau lucruri care sunt considerate foarte respingatoare.
Ai vazut cinele vecinului? E urat ca moartea!
Black as coal
Completely black
Negru ca taciunele
Rain on someone's parade
1. (idiomatic) To disappoint or discourage someone by ruining or criticising their plans or aspirations.
I hate to rain on your parade, but lots of people have tried that strategy and it hasn't worked yet.
A taia elanul cuiva
A dezamagi sau descuraja pe cineva prin criticarea planurilor sau aspiratiilor lor.
Nu vreau sa-ti tai elanul, dar multi oameni au incercat strategia asta si nu au reusit inca.
In dorul lelii
Pommy bastard
British person (used as a term of abuse, often affectionately). It is vastly and mostly used by Australians.
Those Pommy bastards wanted to take my Test tickets off me
Australians have been using the word freely since its probable emergence in the late 19th century as a nickname for English immigrants, a short form of pomegranate, referring to their ruddy complexions.
Nemernic rozaliu
It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends
It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends
Fereste-ma, Doamne, de prieteni, ca de dusmani ma feresc singur
Two wrongs don't make a right
Razbunarea e arma prostului
(A) Chip off the old block
A person who is a chip off the old block resembles one of their parents in appearance, character or behaviour.
Someone who takes after one of his or her parents.
1. James is a chip off the old block - he reacts the same way as his father.
2. He’s a chip off the old block for following in his father’s footsteps.
Aschia nu sare departe de trunchi
Cand spui ca aschia nu sare departe de trunchi inseamna ca persoana despre care vorbesti seamana cu parintii sai la infatisare, caracter sau comportament.
1. Aschia nu sare departe de trunchi. James se poarta la fel ca tatal sau.
2. Calca exact pe urmele lui tata-su. Aschia nu sare departe de trunchi.
By the book
In a manner which adheres strictly to rules, legal requirements, or official procedures.
Ca la carte
Blow a fuse
If you blow a fuse, you suddenly lose your temper and become very angry.
1. Charlie blew a fuse yesterday when he discovered that his ipod had been stolen.
2. When he learned that his daughter had eloped, he blew a fuse.
A lua foc
Cand iei foc, iti pierzi firea si devii dintr-o data foarte nervos si agitat.
1. Cristi a luat foc ieri cand a descoperit ca ipod-ul lui a fost furat.
2. Cand a aflat ca fiica sa a fugit sa se marite, a luat foc.
Dintr-o bucata
To catch (someone) red-handed
To discover someone while they are doing something bad or illegal
He was caught red-handed taking money from the till.
A prinde (pe cineva) cu mata in (mata-n) sac
A descoperi/prinde pe cineva in timp ce face ceva rau sau ilegal.
A fost prins cu mata-n sac in timp ce fura banii din casa de marcat.
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones
Vezi-ti barna din ochiul tau si nu paiul din ochiul altuia
To get wrapped around one's finger
To have someone so enamored that he or she does whatever the other person wants. It can be used in a positive way, as the way a father feels about his little girls or the way someone feels about their boyfriend/girlfriend. It can also be used negatively, referring to the way a person may follow someone who treats them badly.
Ever since she hooked up with Carlo she doesn't make a move without him. He has her wrapped around his little finger.
A juca pe degete
A avea pe cineva atat de indragostit de tine incat face orice vrei. Poate fi folosit si in sens pozitiv, ca sentimentele unui tata fata de fetita lui sau ca felul in care cineva se comporta fata de iubit/a. Poate fi folosit si negativ, cu referire la felul cum cineva face toate voile cuiva care il trateaza urat.
De cand s-a cuplat cu Carlos, nu mai face nicio miscare fara el. O joaca pe degete cum vrea el.
All nations
A composition of all the different spirits sold in a dram-shop, collected in a vessel into which the drainings of the bottles and quartern pots are emptied.
Toate natiile
Stark naked, completely nude.
The streaker's wet dream was to be on TV butt-naked on a rainy day.
In curul gol
Dezbracat complet
All ears
1. To say that you are all ears means that you are listening very attentively.
2. Awaiting an explanation.
1. The students were all ears when they found out the topic of the film was "reproduction." They were disappointed to discover that it was also about fish.
2. I am all ears to find out how my car, which used to have a perfectly functional engine, will no longer start.
Numai urechi
1. Cand spui ca esti numai urechi inseamna ca asculti cu mare atentie.
2. A astepta o explicatie.
1. Elevii erau numai urechi cand au aflat ca subiectul filmului era "reproducerea". Au fost insa foarte deazamagiti sa descopere ca era de fapt despre pesti.
2. Sunt numai urechi sa aflu cum e posibil ca masina mea, care a avut un motor perfect functional, nu mai porneste.
Not touch something with a barge / ten foot pole
1. To avoid something at all costs; to refuse to associate with something in any way; signifies a strong aversion.
2. To be unable (perhaps figuratively) to approach something or someone.
If I were you, I wouldn't touch that property with a barge pole.
May have been derived by the 10-foot poles that river boatmen used to pole their boats with, along in shallow water, or from the barge poles that bargemen used to fend off wharfs and other boats.
Many believe this expression originates from a burial practice in New Orleans. The Spanish developed burial system of present day proceeds by first placing the casket of the patron in an above ground tomb. Exactly 1 year and 1 day after burial, the tomb is opened and the casket removed. The body is next wrapped in a sheet and shoved to the bottom of the tomb using a ten foot pole. The weather of the area caused the remains to decompose quickly and tombs are subsequently reused for many burial. The expression, "I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole," is thought to have originated from this burial process.
A te/se feri ca dracu' de tamaie
A evita ceva cu orice chip; a refuza sa te asociezi cu ceva in orice fel; semnifica o aversiune puternica.
In locul tau, m-as feri de proprietatea aia ca dracu de tamaie.
To get goose bumps/pimples
Aa prickly feeling related to having bumps on one's skin due to fear, excitement, or cold. (Typically: get ~ have ~ give someone ?)
When I hear that old song, I get goose bumps. I never have goose pimples, but my teeth chatter when it's cold.
A i se face pielea (ca) de gaina
A bit much
More than is reasonable or more than you can deal with; a bit too much.
I thought being asked to miss my lunch was a bit much.
Un pic cam mult/Putin prea mult
Mai mult decat este rezonabil sau mai mult decat ceea ce poti sa faci.
Am crezut ca daca mi s-ar cere sa sar peste micul dejul ar fi putin prea mult.
At the top of one's lungs
If you shout at the top of your lungs, you shout as loudly as you possibly can.
Very loudly; as loudly as (vocally) possible.
The place was so noisy that I had to shout at the top of my lungs to be heard.
He started screaming at the top of his lungs after his team scored.
(A tipa / A striga) Din toti plamanii / bojocii
Daca strigi din toti plamanii, strigi cat de tare poti.
Foarte sonor, cat de tare (vocal) e posibil.
Locul era atat de galagios ca a trebuit sa strig din toti plamanii ca sa ma auda.
A inceput sa tipe din toti bojocii dupa ce echipa lui a marcat.
Originea lui bojoc (sau bojog) e incerta. Bojoc are o raspîndire regionala, fiind folosit în Muntenia si în sudul Dobrogei, în timp ce plamîn domina în restul tarii (ref. S. Puscariu, Limba româna).
Hum and haw / humming and hawing
Ca hâr, ca mâr
Out of the frying pan and into the fire
Din lac in put
Penny drops
When a person has difficulty understanding or realizing something, and then the penny drops, they finally understand.
The teasing continued for some time until the penny dropped and the boy realized it was a joke!
A pica fisa
Cand cineva are dificultati sa inteleaga sau sa realizeze ceva si apoi ii pica fisa, atunci dintr-o data isi da seama despre ce era vorba.
L-au tachinat pentru o vreme pana i-a picat fisa si a realizat ca totul era o gluma!
One good turn deserves another
Dupa fapta, si rasplata
Caught with one's hand in the cookie jar
Observed or apprehended while committing a theft, especially while embezzling money.
Prins cu mata-n sac
Prins in timp ce comite un furt, mai ales delapidare de bani
To laugh your head off
Sa te prapadesti de ras
Are you serious? / seriously?
A question asked in disbelief and with an very sarcastic tone, ment to show someones stupidity.
Ken: I think that girl is hotter than Angelina Jolie. John: That girl in our math class she's barely average. Ken: She's gorgeous and makes Angelina look ugly. John: Are you serious?
Vorbesti serios? / Serios?
O intrebare adresata cu neincredere, cu un ton foarte sarcastic. Este un mod de a arata prostia cuiva sub forma unei intrebari.
Dan: Cred ca tipa aia din clasa de mate a mai sexy ca Angelina Jolie.
Ionut: Tipa aia e cam mediocra.
Dan: E chiar superba si Angelina e urata pe langa ea.
John: Tu vorbesti serios?
The early bird catches the worm
Cine se scoala de dimineata, departe ajunge
To stand to reason; as a matter of course
La mintea cocosului
To fly/go to the winds; to end in smoke
If something ends in smoke, it produces no concrete or positive result. Figuratively, to come to nothing.
A se duce pe apa sâmbetei!
Good watch prevents misfortune
Paza buna trece primejdia rea
To grow cheeky
A-si lua nasul la purtare
Have bigger/other fish to fry
1. A much more pressing issue to attend to.
2. A higher valued result or target to reach.
I couldn't spend a lot of time on the problem – I had bigger fish to fry.
I don't think he'll attend the office party. He's got other fish to fry.
A avea altele pe cap
1. A avea o chestiune mult mai presanta de facut.
2. A urmari un rezultat mult mai important.
Nu am putut sa aloc mult timp problemei - aveam altele pe cap.
Nu cred ca va veni la petrecerea de la firma. Are altele pe cap acum.
Four horsemen of the apocalypse
Biblical, four beings in Revelation 6:1-8 that bring about the Apocalypse, each riding a different-colored horse representing a different aspect of the Apocalypse. From that, the idiomatic sense is harbingers of doom; several signs which combine to imply the imminence of literal or figurative destruction.
Cei patru calareti ai Apocalipsei
Biblic, cei patru calareti ai Apocalipsei sunt descrisi în ultima carte a Noului Testament, Revelatia lui Iisus Hristos dupa Ioan de Patmos.
Mielul lui Dumnezeu / Leul lui Iuda (Iisus Hristos) deschide primele patru din cele sapte peceti, fiecare pecete invocând patru calareti care stau pe patru cai: alb, rosu, negru si al patrulea galbui. Desi exista mai multe interpretari diferite, cei patru calareti sunt considerati a simboliza Ciuma, Razboiul, Foametea si, respectiv, Moartea.
De aici, sensul idiomatic este prevestitorii dezastrului; cateva semne care combinate implica iminenta unei distrugeri sau dezastru iminente.
A friend in need is a friend indeed
Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste
(Have your) Back to the wall
If you have your back to the wall, you are in serious difficulty, with no beneficial options available for action.
With his back to the wall, the supplier had to accept the deal.
(A fi pus) Cu spatele la zid / A fi incoltit (din toate partile)
Daca esti pus cu spatele la zid, esti intr-o situatie foarte dificila, cu nicio optiune avantajoasa pentru actiune.
Fiind pus cu spatele la zid, furnizorul a trebuit sa accepte afacerea.
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