About the Idiomatic Expressions Translator Project
(English to Romanian and vice versa)
Project URL: https://www.webcreative.me/idioms-translator
The purpose of this web application is to find correspondent Romanian idioms to the ones in the English language and vice-versa.
I am a web developer, born Romanian but living in the UK for the last 10 years. I started this project a couple of years ago out of personal interest because I could not find anything like this online.
The project is quite unique, as there is nothing like this on the internet at the moment. You can only find collections of idioms in their respective language or normal words translators/dictionaries that may include references to idioms. Not even the mighty Google can translate idioms.
The most important features:
- A properly organized and thoroughly documented translation of the idioms from both languages.
- The project is interesting and useful in itself for a native English speaker as a perfectly good platform to learn some new English idioms.
- It contains illustration with pictures and videos where it is possible
- It supports the integration of the Romanian community in the UK.
The description, in detail:
The main purpose of the project is to build a properly organized and thoroughly documented equivalence between the idioms from the two languages.
This requires a huge amount of time and effort for linguistic research and the development of the software base.
If we think about it from the point of view of a native English speaker, this project is interesting and useful in itself as a perfectly good platform to learn some new English idioms, having almost 10.000 entries, including explanations and where possible, examples and origin.
Another important aspect is that in the latest years, Romanian is the second most common non-British nationality in the UK, as it’s declared by the authorities and press.
So, this project comes to directly support the integration of the Romanian community and to bridge the cultural and linguistic gap that is often found in various cases.
One more unique feature that I started introducing is the illustration with a video where possible.
e.g. https://www.webcreative.me/idioms-translator/?ltr=a#A_cut_above
In conclusion, this work cannot be done while having permanent commitments, so I am asking for support in order to free some time that I can dedicate to this project.
So if you find this idea interesting and want to help speed up its development, please consider donating.
My plan for future development:
– Most importantly, working hard on finding accurate translations/equivalents in Romanian
– Continuous updating the English idioms with more detailed descriptions, examples, and origins
– Adding an interactive search option where you can search by word/keyword/tag (done)
I appreciate any feedback, so feel free to write.